Thursday, September 07, 2006

Just like home

This week hasn't been that different from home except of course that I'm living in a huge, metropolitan city. A couple days ago I toured Sydney University's campus - which is kitty corner from our residence - and got a membership to the three gyms on campus. One of the buildings - the Sydney University Aquatic Center - has an Olympic-sized pool that I think may have been used for either preliminary Olympic events or the actual Games in 2000. There are also several tennis courts - but you have to pay $8 an hour to play (that is the case with all the courts in this city unfortunately). But I might get a chance to play for free. My friend told me that tomorrow (Saturday) he's going to try out for one of the university's club teams - apparently there are many levels of club teams - and I'm going to attend as well and try to jump on one of the teams, which play a few times each week.

So Mike and I have established a routine of working out around 9 a.m. each morning at least four times a week, which should be just enough to offset whatever unhealthy activities we partake in at night. I've found a few cheap food options in the city - fortunate for my wallet. Right across the street there's a restaurant that features a $5 menu. And you the know the quality of the food is good enough for me. Also, in the food court connected to the UniLodge, a Thai food joint has a daily $4.90 special. They heap your plate with an entree of your choice... and you also get rice. Good deal. Almost even fills me up. So I'm starting to adjust here.

After this weekend I plan on knowing the city a lot better. I'm gonna do a lot of exploring downtown - including maybe checking out the zoo and walking across(not up, that's for later) the Sydney Harbour Bridge to North Sydney. I also plan on finding an American sports bar to watch some of the great football games tomorrow and the finals of the U.S. Open in New York. (especially OSU-Texas, which will be at 10 a.m. Sunday here. Yeah, it's worth it. You can only keep me away for so long.

Also planned for the weekend, unfortunately, is some reading for my culture and society class here and I have to formulate 2 ideas for 3-to-5 minute films for my film production class. Feel free to spray with ideas.

Well, it's time to go explore the city. Have a good night.


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