Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Crazy waves, man

On Saturday afternoon, after playing tennis in the Aussie sun for two hours, I decided to cool down by joining the boys for an hour or two at Bronte beach before it got dark (the sun sets around 6 here - can't wait until we gain a couple hours in mid-October). We only hit the water for about 20 minutes, but let me tell you about the waves that HIT us.

They were easily the biggest, most ferocious waves I've seen in my month here in Sydney. I rode two of them, and they threw me into the sand, twisting my body in ways it hasn't been twisted since middle school gym class. I think I did more somersaults the two times I rode those beasts than I have in the past 10 years. The waves were so strong that even after they broke, the whitewater threw us around. And to make things more dangerous, there was a stalwart riptide pushing us out toward sea. For the first time in my life, I really felt it. Because we realized how strong it was, we didn't go too far out and were able to make it back to shore. But it was scary. For the first time, I really felt like I was feeling the waves here. It was a good warmup for our trip to Melbourne the following early morning.


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