Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Beach walk from Coogie to Bondi

hey guys,
Sorry it's been a while, but I've been crazy busy, having just returned from Melbourne last night. This is the first of a handful of posts detailing the past five days, all of which were eventful. Last Thursday some friends and I embarked on a beach walk from Coogie beach to Bondi beach - about a two-to-three-hour walk if you don't stop along the way. But we stopped many times (and could have done so many more times if not for needing to get back to Sydney by 5 p.m. to prepare for the Sydney Swans semifinal game that night.
The entire walk was right along the beach. There was a designated path a little farther from the water, but I chose to walk as close as possible to the ocean without damaging wildlife. It was a lot of walking on rocks - mostly smooth rocks(no, not like in the White Mountains). There were sundry exquisite views, looking out toward the ocean and back along the coastline we'd walked. We also did some exploring right along the water and noticed several crabs hiding under the rocks. And I noticed a HUGE spider in a crevice between a couple rocks.
By the time we reached Bondi - one of the nicest beaches in Sydney - we only had another hour to kill. But that was OK. The walk had easily nourished my taste for adventure. Check out the pics to be posted from the walk. They're pretty splendid.


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