Saturday, October 28, 2006

Opera House lesson

I'm not gonna beat around the bush: Last night I saw a play performed in a foreign language (I think it was German) at the Opera House. Yeah, knew I shoulda stuck with german in high school. It might have taken the sting away from last night's experience. I'm not gonna say I enjoyed the night, because I didn't. Definitely not. I spent the second half of the play - it took me most of the first half to realize I wasn't gonna hear much English - going over the sport statistics I've memorized in my head. I got through all 102 Major League Baseball champions - including the worst WS champion in history, the '06 Cardinals (sorry, just had to throw that in there) - and about two thirds of the 122 college football champions (hopefully No. 123 will be the Maize and Blue - sorry, I know I'm straying.

So that was my night at the OH. Probably won't be back, although I have plenty more statistics to sift through during droll times. A brief synopsis of the play: It was about three army nurses. can't tell you much more except that there was some violence and partial nudity. They don't screen their plays at the OH for children.

And, of course, they don't tell you what language they're in!


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