Saturday, October 07, 2006

Heading off to spring break

hey guys,
sorry I haven't posted in a while, but life has been pretty uneventful around here. This week was all about finishing up school work. On Tuesday I helped give a group presentation on the Sydney Swans, the local Australian Rules Football team here. On Wednesday I turned in my final paper and helped to wrap up my group's film about the "Kangaroo Kid." On Friday a large portion of the Boston Univerpsity group showed up to watch the five films our class made. Our film received several laughs. It was nice to see that all of our hard work - especially Mike's - paid off. Today I finished up the 5-week class portion of my time here with final exams for my film class and introduction class. They went decently. At least I know I won't be failing out of the program.

And now, tomorrow morning, Mike and I are heading off for our spring break trip up the east coast and back down. I won't be carrying my laptop, but I'll be sure to post when I return in a week. At that time I'll be starting my internship at Sydney University Sports, where I'll write stories for the web site and other publications. Again, more to come on that later. Well, I gotta head to bed now. I'm waking up at 5:30 in the morning to watch the Tigers try to eliminate the Yanks before heading to the airport.

Go Tigers and go UM! I'll be watching...


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